If your family member is in critical condition and you want to shift immediately to the medical center by Air and Train Ambulance Services in Gaya for a surgery appointment?
Panchukhi Air and Train Ambulance Services in Gaya provide bed-to-bed transfer from one destination to another at your budget-friendly cost. We provide all the necessary medical facilities like Intensive Care Units, Ventilators, Oxygen cylinders, Suction pumps, and Cardiac monitors inside Air and Train Ambulance Services in Gaya as per the condition of the patient. Our medical team and staff members are available 24 hours a day to take care of your sick person throughout the journey. Contact us!
!!! To Avail Inquire Today!!!
R.K Estate, In front of IGIMS, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar
Mob: +91-9667077396, +91-9955990333
Email: - info@panchmukhiairambulance.com
Website: https://www.panchmukhiairambulance.com/gaya-air-train-ambulance-services/